Thursday, 18 December 2014

The RaISING Of The Kingly Priests (17)

                                  The Raising Of The Kingly Priests. (17)
                   We continue from where we left off last time. God is raising from among men a people in whom, as it is with Lord Jesus Christ, the God-head will live. God is preparing the blessed ones on the earth. He ministers and breathes  from the throne in the holy of holy  in heaven the beauty of divine character of His kingly priests.
                  In the third row of the precious stones on the breastplate of the high priest, the second stone is agate. It has the reputation of having the colour of flame; its action word is to flame or to spark. It represents Asher.

                               Agate: the gem-stone character of Asher.

                Agate is Asher. Agate means to flame or to spark. It is a flaming or sparkling gem. Which ever is used of flaming or sparkling, it has connection with fire. Flame can be interchanged with fire in a sentence and not lose its meaning. Fire judges, evaluates and tries the quality of materials of the stuff they are made of; fire tries and burns off impurities of metals and makes the true metals come out in their true eternal lustre; fire destroys when not properly handled. In reality, man needs all of his wisdom and presence of mind to handle a flaming fire. Fire is compared with the tongue by James.
           Agate is Asher. Agate is a flaming gem. Fire is the pervading influence of flame; it is the invisible agency of the physical phenomenon called flame. Flame is always associated with fire and tongue and, remarkably, with the infilling of the Holy Spirit.  Acts 2, verse 3: And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. The same effect was displayed in the burning bush of the back side of Horeb. Restless, fire is; dance, flame does. Like tongue, active; like thought, expressive. Flame like the Holy Spirit cannot be contained nor can be dictated to by man; it does its own thing, burning as long as the right material is available.
           Asher was the second son of Zilpah, Leah’s maid for Jacob. Genesis 30, verse 13: And Leah said, Happy am I, for the daughters will call me blessed: and she called his name Asher. Asher in Hebrew has many connotations. It is a primary root-word meaning to be straight, to be level, to be right, to be happy. Figuratively, it means to prosper, to be honest or to go forward. Asher means happy.  In the thought of Leah, Asher meant to be blessed; it meant to be called, by the daughters, blessed; she indicated that she was happy in her state of dwelling in an unloving home; she had been able to look away from her pathetic situations and hoped in the blessedness that came from  another realm, being called happy by the daughters. She, Leah, could not say she was blessed with good marriage. And she knew that it was not her fault that she was not such a ravishing beautiful like Rachel; nor was it her personal design that she was forced on a man that did not love her or was ever attracted by her features. But now she recognised another realm of blessedness that is not of this earth. She said, For the daughters shall call me blessed. It is an eternal echo.  Mary, when she visited her cousin Elisabeth and looked forward to the future and saw what God was about to do through her to the whole of human race, enthused: … for behold from now henceforth, all generations shall call me blessed (Luke 1: 46 - 48). Asher means happy. In fact the Amplified version adds a deepened end to it: to be envied.
                                           The Kingdom-Dynamic Antithesis of “ Happy”
                Asher is agate, the flaming-gem character. Being happy, for Leah was not for the immediate conditions of her life; it was an expression of something else: her eternal conditions. The agate person knows and appreciates the excellence of his  eternal conditions. The Lord Jesus in the Beatitude brought out this fact with a jarring poignancy. The blessed was not necessarily the one who had gained the world. James writes: Behold we count them happy which endure.(James 5: 11) It means the steadfast one is the agate-man; he is the one happy, especially if he can look away from the blessings we are familiar with and see another package known to those who can see.
                   Asher is agate. It is about a character that has been tried, purified and gained lustre and brilliance not of the earth but of the heavenly. He has grown into the Head, Jesus Christ and the earthy life has become dim and distant; he has ceased to be enamoured with the values of the world. He is a man that has ascended above it all; he is in the world but not of the world; he is unbound and therefore can soar above like eagle. To the uninitiated, he is mad; he is stupid; he is an antithesis of everything considered primary and premium by man. This is a man that has attained the eternal life of living above peer-pressure groups and that, at every stage of life. For peer-pressure lasts through out life and at every stage of human development. My peers are buying cars and I have not, that is a pressure. My peers are graduating from higher institutions and I have not, that is another pressure. My peers are marrying and no one has proposed to me, that is an interesting and recurring pressure known to many sisters. My peers have built their houses and packed in and here am I still a tenant in somebody’s house. My mates are now grandparents and I have not even married. My mates are giving their children out to marriage and o poor me my own children  are yet undergraduates. My mates have children and I have none… The gem character will be able to say contrary to all these, I am blessed for God is my exceedingly great reward. The agate man is aware of only one-way ticket to God. My pastor and brother, Reverend Busiyi Olabode once made a remark to someone: “Your own world has not arrived.” He said this because he observed that the man had been able to do without many basic things of life, including electricity supply. Now, virtually almost everybody goes through this experience in the country. What the pastor was getting at was that here was a man that believe in another existence and attempts to live in that other world , even while in this one. Does that look and sound like some pie-in-heave-by-and-by persona? But the agate-man is not! He is a man gaining heights in the spirit.
                Asher is agate. He has been refined and no longer craves the taste of the things earthy. No, he does not hate the thing earthly; but his hope, his joy and blessedness is not in them. He is a man whose sense of success has been tried and redefined by the Holy Spirit, the purifier of the human souls.
                 Asher is agate. We are reading from Amplified Version, Mathew 5: 3 – 4, pausing to comment here and there: Blessed (happy, to be envied and spiritually prosperous – with life-joy and satisfaction in God’s favour and salvation, regardless of their outward conditions) are the poor in spirit (the humble, who rate themselves insignificant) for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
               Blessed is the poor in the spirit! Is it possible for the poor to be happy on this earth? It is ironic. In the kingdom of God, the one that is poor in spirit is critically aware of his condition and presses more into divine favour and grace. As he gains spiritual stature, he becomes more aware of his inadequacies and presses more. To this kind of man belongs the kingdom of God.

              Continuing:  4, Blessed and enviably happy (with happiness produced by the experience of God’s favour and especially conditioned by the revelation of His matchless grace) are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.
             Mourn and happy – two unlikely words to be associated. But this man mourns for the state of the sinful world; he does not want to continue here. He is embarrassed by his limitations in the fruit of righteousness. He wants to break into Sonship – to manifest as the son of God. Yes, he shall come into it; he shall be comforted. For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ: who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned into his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself. (Philipians 3: 20)
         Continuing: 5, Blessed (happy, blithesome, joyous, spiritually prosperous – with life-joy and satisfaction of God’s favour and salvation, regardless of their outward conditions) are the meek (the mild, patient, longsuffering), for they shall inherit the earth.
            How can the meek be called blessed in the cut-throat race of the world where the aggressive and selfish are the prized gift and character? In the world, the mighty and the strong inherit the earth!  Yet, such was not Jesus Christ for he was the Lamb; like a lamb dumb before his shearer, so opened not his mouth. This is the agate character – the joyous in the spirit. (Acts 8: 32)

             Continuing: 6, Blessed and fortunate and happy and spiritually prosperous (in that state in which the born-again child of God enjoys His favour and salvation) are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness (righteousness and right standing with God), for they shall be completely satisfied.
         Can righteousness satisfy the hunger and assuage the thirst of man? It is often heard, Isn’t righteousness  we will eat? Will righteousness give us lovely things of life?  Or will righteousness give us name and fame among mankind? These are the usual questions from the earth-bound individuals but not the agate-gem man for he is unbound and unconscious of all these things people call lovely.  Some ask whether moral uprightness is not enough from us to God. God’s righteousness is what God has  done  or is doing in us through His Son Jesus; it is above the best the most morally sound man on earth can offer. The seeker after the righteousness obtainable through faith in the atoning blood of the Lord Jesus shall be satisfied. He is blessed.

          Continuing: 7, Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy.
          This is contrary to the law that sustains the systems of the world. It is called the law of the survival of the fittest. Here, might is right. The weak is weeded away; the strong is tended. In an ancient Western European nation, the king wanted war-glories through plunders and battle, so he ensured the mating of strong, tall marriageable young men with equally strong and tall young women. For what purpose? To feed his military machine, his army. And this was before Mendel. In the early turn of the last century, a nation in Western Europe came up with a policy of eliminating, after its delivery,  any weak-looking baby through what it called mercy-killing; the more fanciful word being eugenic. It is so evident here that the law of the spirit of life in the Lord Jesus was stupid to the rational man. The world wants razor-blade-sharp brain, strong and mighty persons; the Lord chooses the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty of man. The world loves wisdom of its own breed; the Lord loves the fools to confound the wisdom of man. The agate-man is merciful and can appreciate the weak; the rational world wise-man sees him as stupid. On the other hand the law of sin and death, that principle of the self or the flesh, where the concept of eugenics springs from, is not less stupid to the agate-gem man. 

         Continuing: 8, Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.
        No natural man can be found here. This speaks of a man not only filled with the Holy Spirit but is be being filled. He is more in spirit than out. He is the priestly king that has so merged with the Father that no particle of unrighteous thought crosses the threshold of the thought of his heart; he has mastered the art of being perpetually in the presence of God. He sees God and what controls him is the joy of God’s presence. He lives contrary to the notion of loving God for what He gives. There was a man who because he is a civil servant is not a millionaire because he also holds the testimony of Christ; there is another who is contemptuous of his Christian brother because he does not know how ‘to pray to prosper.’  The agate-gem man has crossed the threshold of seeking personal gains and his heart is rested from evil and unrighteous scheming to arrive.

               Continuing: 9, Blessed are the peace makers for they shall be called the sons of God!
               Another contrariety in the world where you are admired for your wit at initiating war and quarrel and dominating others! Yet there heavenly admiration for the harbinger of peace, of the glad tiding and of the salvation of God. How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace… (Isaiah 52: 7). These are the reconciliators of man to God. This is priestly. Only the priest can take the hand of the sinner and put it in the hand of God and, that through the blood of the Lord Jesus, effect a reconciliation. This is the agate-gem whose main preoccupation after losing his identity to Christ is to reconcile others to Him. He is the son of God for this is the life of God himself who did not only desire reconciliation with man but also gave His life to initiate and sustain it. The sons of God or his princes on the throne with Him ensure peace. A son is every way like his father; the son of God is like God.

             Continuing: 10, Blessed are those persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of God.
           Persecution is the currency of the preparatory to the kingdom of God. He that keeps the testimony of the Lord Jesus cannot escape it. But the agate-man is hardly bothered because he does not have any thing other than God to live for; he is not moved when you remove his position from him, when you relegate him; he is not embarrassed when you demean him, when you ridicule him, in fact when you threaten to kill him. I am crucified with Christ, says an agate-gem character, nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which now I live in the flesh I live by faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me.
            Continuing and now taking fragments from the last chapters of the bible: Revelation, 22:14: Blessed (happy and to be envied) are those who cleanse their garments that they may have the right to (approach) the tree of life and to enter through the gate into the city.
            There are seven ‘blesseds’ in the book of Revelation. First for the man who reads, hears and keeps what is written therein; second those who die in the Lord; third, the one who keeps alert and avoids being naked; fourth, those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb; fifth, those who take part in the first resurrection; sixth, those who keep the sayings of the prophecy of the book; those who live the prophetic life.
             The agate-gem is driven by this inner consciousness. Some are happy because they marry the most personable spouse; some, because of their achievements and the vastness of their riches in the material; some yet, because of their position and authority and status and power and some, in few categories, because of their needle-sharp intelligence that has brought dazzling glory and honour. But the agate character though may be in any of these things fails to locate his happiness in any of them; he is in another realm. Sometimes, this individual cannot understand himself any more. He knows the cries and the craves of his soul, but he simply cannot pander to or tend them any more. He has passed from death to life.
             Have you met a person whose marriage seems to be a misalliance because of Christ and yet happy? Have you met a Christian childless couple and yet happy? Have you met a happy Christian claiming the joy of having Jesus and that Jesus is enough for him though he has  failed in all of life’s endeavours?  Have you met a family happy and saying it has everything in Jesus though it is poor and jobless? Have you not seen a person who the whole world denounces as needing his head examined because he is to them mad as he is everything opposite what they consider to be the reason for life and pursuit? Have you not heard the razor-sharp one declaiming that religion is the opium of the people even though they fail to realise that there is an agate man that is not religious and yet has taken this opium?
               No, the agate man is not “anti-success,” but his being happy does not depend  on any human- culture definition of success; he is driven by another culture unequal by any in this world. It is called the culture of heaven or of the Holy Spirit. Have you come across such a being? We have come across them a-plenty. Perhaps, there is a need to expatiate here to avoid confusion. Many people resolve to keep happy whatever be the tide. That is not what we are talking about. That is carelessly tuck-in part of psychology. We are talking about the agate-gem characters who are happy because of eternal things and relationship with God; we talk about the person whose heart has been reconditioned by the Holy Spirit. I will illustrate with two examples from Nigeria.
                                                       Contemporary Examples                                                                          
               Pa Elton came to Nigeria as a missionary in early 1930s, touched many lives, and was used of God in revivals and was a able to raise ministers of the gospel that are yet being mightily used of God today in this country and the world. In every place on God’s earth, you will find gospel ministers of Nigerian origin. Directly or indirectly, each has a connection somewhere with Pa Elton. Pa Elton had a daughter called Ruth who also became a preacher of the gospel. Sister Ruth remains single at close to eighty. I keep wondering why she did not go back to England and marry and return again to continue her ministry. This is a being who can keep happy only because of God. The second example has to do with another missionary, an American sister who trained as a nurse. (I will give the whole world to know the name of this sister).  She came in the last decade of 20th century and ministered in that part of the country where the people preferred walking about naked. She ministered the gospel to them, clothed them and nursed them as well as taught them how to read and write the bible in their own language. This was after she had spent a long period learning the language herself.  In course of time, this beautiful American sister married one of the men who converted to the Lord through her ministry – you should see this blessed brother in his stark nakedness except for the hand-breadth-size kerchief below his groins. In her native country, she will be regarded, their claim to Christ notwithstanding, as mad, for, hold it, marrying a native, a pure negro! I asked myself why she did not go back to the US and marry her kind. The Lord whispered to me in my heart, “Son, she did it because of Me; she loves so.” Can you beat that? The agate man having lost all sense of personal importance will go to what man calls extreme to please God.

              Leah said, “Happy am I, for the daughters will call me blessed…” Asher means happy and is represented by the agate gem noted to flame or spark…associated with fire and its properties… like the presence of the Holy Spirit. 

              Father, we pray that you will help us to look away from the earth to see you and your glory -  Jesus who is our glory… We read this but cannot really grasp the true meaning because we have not been able to posit this King in his rightful place in our hearts. We get frustrated and disappointed when things which our souls long for pass us by. O, Father that we may see the true riches of what is called eternal life, God’s kind of life. Cause us, Lord, as we look into these things to see the true glory and apply our hearts diligently to eternal values. Thank you, our Father.

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Wednesday, 15 October 2014

The Raising of the Kingly Priests, 16

                                              The Raising of the Kingly Priests                
                                   Job 1:           
            5 And it was so, when the days of their feasting were gone about, that Job sent and sanctified them, and rose up early in the morning and offered burnt offerings according to the number of them all, for Job said, it may be that my sons have cursed  God in their hearts. Thus did Job continually.                        
                                            Revelation 1:
            6 And hath made us kings and priests unto God and His Father…                               
                In the raising of the kingly priests, God will have to ensure the clear spiritual ascendancy of the saints, conforming them to the image of His Son, the Lord Jesus who is the High Priest of our profession. In this meditation on the fifth verse of the first chapter of Job, we shall be looking into the seventh spiritual gem-character on the breastplate of the high priest. It is ligure and represents Dan.

                                 Ligure: the gem character of Gad

               Exudus 28: 19: And the third row a ligure, an agate, and an amethyst. 

               The gem called ligure is not well pronounced in  the bible. Strong, in his concordance, suggests that it is equivalent to the Greek word jacinth. Jacinth is a gem of deep blue colour. This speaks of the heavenly essence. It is the deep calling to the deep; it is the execution of divine will on the earth. Ligure represents Dan, the seventh son. The number seven means completion, perfection and fulfillment of God’s purpose and will. This speaks of the completion and perfection of the will of God in the saint. It is about him that is coming, that is, the perfect man, the one that is coming into the excellence of the character of Christ; it is about one that has fully appropriated, in his continual coming and approach, the measure of the fullness of the stature of Christ.
              Vine, on the other hand, in his Expository Dictionary suggest sapphire. It is still the same calling of the heaven; it is of a character where the heavens visibly reigns and is clearly seen. When people see this man, they see heaven , they see Christ; he show to the world the excellence of divine character and by this is also in the position to teach the angels or the principalities the manifold wisdom of God. The creation and the heavenly beings still have a lot to learn about God. The manifest sons of God will be the “teaching aids” or the teaching materials to illustrate the unending depth of the wisdom of our God.
               Ligure is Dan which means a troop. Genesis 30:10 -11: And Zilpah Leah’s maid bare Jacob a son. and Leah said, A troop cometh: and she called his name Gad. Gad connotes assembling selves by troop, soldiers… Leah deployed a military term meaning a troop or a company.  This signifies one that has lost his individualism into the clear solution of the troop.
           The troop is the church of Christ. No football team wins a match except as all the players have lost their individualism to the team. To score a goal, there must be good defenders in absolute difference to the good skipper and the coach; there will be excellent passing of the leather rim from one to the other until the goal-mouth is reached. There was  little or nothing a one-man-army Samson was able to accomplish; but David was able to establish the kingdom by his assembled troop that trooped to him to join force with him.
              The ligure-gem character is heavenly. The patterns of heaven have come to the earth in this one person. This was clearly revealed in the life of the Lord Jesus. He did not see equality with God as something to be grabbed or be forcefully taken. But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men. And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. (Phillipians 2: 6 - 8) All these for a team-work of saving the lost the man. The Father was in the Son and the Son was in the Father. I in them and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one...(John 17: 23) It surely takes the humility of the degree of the character of the Lord Jesus to allow oneself to be integrated into the Body of Christ. Many forceful characters cannot bear obscurity; many want to be a lone ranger to earn the applause of men. Many love to be the soul of the party, to achieve clear visibility and to be the anchor-man of a gathering. The thing is called super-stardom and many men of God are in this un-Gad-like race today. It is of the earth, earthy. But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle and easy to be entreated..(James 3: 17). The heavenly character ligure-gem does not consider self but the Body or the company or the troop above all else.
              Dan is ligure, a troop. The signification of this is that this is one who is not for a one-man show, a splurge. Gifted preachers come handy as an example here. Few in the body of Christ cherishes the out-of-scene or behind-the-scene ministries. Most young Christians fast and pray to be like this or that famous preacher or tel-evangelist. Many preachers want to be able to gather hundreds of thousands if not millions in their mega-church buildings or communes. These super-star preachers throw themselves up to all as the example of what God wants us all to be. Me think that if this were true, God would only go ahead and make clones of them. No, it is not like that, taking the kingdoms of this world for the Lord is not a one-man army or one-man initiative; it is that of the Body. The Body must minister to one another in team work. That was how the fathers taught us; that was how they were able to turn the world the right side up even though the complaint of the world of that time was that these had turned the world upside down. Many today refuse to join hands with others to achieve the God-given goal. It suits them to go it alone.
                The ligure-gem character revels in the fellowship of the brethren for he knows that that is where lies his safety; it is the portal of coming to maturity and kingly priesthood. Such people cannot be overcome; cannot be cursed; canot be defied; nor can they be defiled. Balam said, How can I curse, whom God hath not cursed? Paraphrased: how can I defy whom God has not defied. As each tribe of Israel passed by their own standard of staff, ‘with the ensign of their father’s house over against the tabernacle,’ Balam, the man called to curse them saw the whole congregation from the top of the mountain. He prophesied: How goodly are thy tents, o Jacob, and thy tabernacles, o Israel. It should be noted that Jacob or Israel here was a troop or a company of God. Right outside and above their conscious knowledge, spectacular spiritual activities were whirling to destroy or to enchant; but there was a greater centrifugal counter-whirling that would not allow this. This was because the destructive force was dealing with a heavenly troop called Israel or Jacob and in the later days, the church of the Lord Jesus. Upon this mountain will I establish my church and the gates of hell cannot prevail against it. The diviner Balaam said of them, the Israelites in the Wilderness of...: Surely, there is no enchantment against Jacob neither is there any divination against Israel. This is being lifted together in the heavenly places with Jesus Christ far above principalities, power, rulers of darkness of this world and spiritual wickedness in high places. Yes, it pays to confess the word of God, “ enchantment against me and neither is there any divination against my family.” Good, this becomes more effective in the family of the children of God if the spiritual law or principle has been set  into motion. One cannot be out of fellowship with the Body and expects this confession to hold. Yet, one can be in perfect tandem with the Body of Christ and not confess anything and still be safe. To be out with the body is a breach of divine spiritual law; it is a legal ground for another law to supervene..          
                Ligure represents Gad. This gem-character is troop or company. This character loves the brethren. This is my commandment that ye love one another as I have loved you. He loses his will and self-possession in the Body. He is unbound by the earthly relationship of families and is bound by the law of another relationship to the brethren. He is concerned with and for the Body and does not remember denominational differences; he knows only of those things that bind the Body together. There was once a pastor of a church who had his son in a fee-paying nursery and primary school which was adjudged to be giving students quality education. In the church was a tertiary- institution-going brother who could no more pay his school fees. The pastor, for the sake of the brethren, the Body withdrew his son from the private school to the public school where quality was low and little or no fees were paid. He did this to enable him have more money to pay the indigent brother’s fees. I have seen a brother who gave up his right to another; I have seen hurting families turned around when the church got involved. I have seen hatred turned to love because of the Church. And let us consider one another to provoke unto love… not forsaking the assembly of ourselves together… It means we should not be forgetting to sort ourselves out as troop or as a company; this is an everyday assignment.
            Gad is ligure. The gem is heavenly character of assembling; it is of discerning of the Body of Christ. We talk of the body and not of the splintered groups the church is today in an attempt at shining singularly as part of the body. We talk of one body and one baptism that is Christ; it is not greater-revelation-than-your-church consciousness. We talk of the true body of Christ where conceit has no place, where no timidity and false humility do not exist, where nothing of title-hollering-prefixed-names are  known. No, there is no Reverend-Doctor-Chief-professor-General-Arcbishop-Pope Pontifex Maximum X. We here speak of the place of the rest of God and man; a spiritual place of a people where the Lord can be truly worshipped and appreciated; we speak of a place of the rebound of spiritual energy.
               After Peter and John had been threatened, ‘they went back to their own company, and reported all that the chief priests and elders had said unto them. so when they heard that, they raised their voice to God with one accord... And when they had prayed, the place where they were assembled together was shaken; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and they spoke the word of God with boldness.’ (Acts 4: 24, 31) The disciples were refreshed and reinvigorated by the energy of the Spirit
           Gad is ligure. Ligure-gem is the heavenly co-existence of the kingly priests; they are simultaneously present in the heavenly families and that of the earth: God of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named. The writer of Hebrews says in the 12th chapter, verse22 But ye are come to mount Zion, and unto to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to the innumerable number of angels to the general assembly and church of the firstborn, which are written in heaven, and God, the judge of us all, and to the spirit of just men made perfect, and to Jesus, the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of the sprinkling, that speaketh better things than that of the blood of Abel. In fact this is their priestly function for here mention is made of God to whom they minister;  the location in heaven and the blood of sprinkling, which is the tool of their ministration. Priests deal with the blood of reconciliation or atonement; only that this is supremely better than that of Abel.
             Ligure is Gad – a troop. The body of Christ is one. The Lord Himself ministers through the Holy Spirit to His church on earth and, that from heaven. The place of ministration is not located anywhere on earth nor is it with any group or else man will mishandle it. He sends His special gifts of apostles, prophets, evangelists, teachers and pastors. These will continue to minister through the gifts until we come to the unity of the faith. The faith is the faith of the Son of God. Jesus in his prayer for the disciples in the 17th chapter of John said, …Holy Father keep through thine own name those who thou hast given me, that they may be one, as we are. The Holy Father and the Lord Jesus are one. The identity of the Lord has become that of the Father and that of the Father has become that of the Lord. Looking at the Lord, we see the Father. Any one that has seen me has seen the Father. This speaks of a troop; this is a company. It is of a character that gains spiritual strength and ascendancy through being part of the company of the Lamb; gaining strength through fellowship with the Body. This character has learned to log the fellowship with the Body around in his subconscious and conscious mind.
              The opportunity to come to this tribe of the company or troop of the body of Christ has never been so great as that of today. What with the communication system that has shrunken the earth into a global village; what the ease with which I can reach my brother even when thousands of kilometres away, located at the other end of the globe. But there is also no greater time to be very cautious and be ready to discern the true Body for many strange companies pass for that of Christ nowadays. If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not do the truth. Jesus is light; darkness is impossible in the presence of light. But if we walk in the light as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin. Before we go global, therefore, the local assembly fellowship is the best any day, this is where we are whetted and kept strong. As great as the internet assembly is, the local is the greatest place to learn and have worked into us all divine characters. The local assembly is the place of safety.
           In the last days, fellowship or company of the brethren will prove to be the place of greatest wisdom but will also prove to be a plaque to the world for it will assail the world’s arrangements and order. In the beginning, the foundation of the earth was really shaken by the life of the early believers. Their righteous presence was so dazzling that no one could join themselves or become a casual members as we have nowadays. But the people magnified them. That was long before I-am-of-Apollos-and-I-am-of-Paul schism reared its ugly head; not unlike today too when some still say, Our G. O. Is superb, the greatest man of God on earth. Perhaps, you are right; certainly, God has not committed that judgment to you. Admire your G. O by all means, but let us not divide the Body.
         There is strength in unity. Can this be said of today’s church? As many more join the tribe of Gad, the economy of the world will be shaken. There was an anti-type in the early believers; there will be the type in these last days. Neither was there any among them that lacked: for as many as were possessors of lands or houses sold them, and brought the prices of the things that were sold. And laid them down at the apostles’ feet; and distribution was made to everyman according as he had need. This is the ligure-gem experience of the kingly priests.
           Father, we declare that this is the age of the Church. We pray that we experience you all over again as of old. May the heart of the church yearn for you and you only, not these things toward which,today, our hearts and teachings and visions as well as our aspirations and discussions gravitate; the very centre of our prayers. Raise the ministers, your own ministers, appropriate for your church today and let many know that as in the days of the wilderness there is always a move from one point to the other; in fact the points were 42, each with its own unique experiences with God. May we experience a fresh breath of heaven. we pray that your church will know what you are now doing. And, Lord, we pray that you will bind us together in love as that daughter of yours sang in a song, years ago: Bind us together, love that cannot be broken.. Bind us together... Thank you, Father.

Friday, 3 October 2014

The Raising Of The Kingly Priests, 15

                                            The Raising Of Kingly Priests.
                                   Job 1:           
            5 And it was so, when the days of their feasting were gone about, that Job sent and sanctified them, and rose up early in the morning and offered burnt offerings according to the number of them all, for Job said, it may be that my sons have cursed  God in their hearts. Thus did Job continually.                        
                                            Revelation 1:
            6 And hath made us kings and priests unto God and His Father…    
             We continue with Job’s 5th verse of chapter 1: Job as a priest.
            The Holy Spirit arrests  and have us know one or two things about priesthood and priestly characters as well as the ultimate fore-plan of God to raise priestly kings. The Spirit points out to us that those high priestly garments are not for mere external beauty but they represent the holy and beautiful characters of God. We have been looking into the 12 precious stones - that represent the names of the 12 tribes of Israel-  of the breastplate. The sixth stone is diamond and represents Naphthali. We return to our texts: Genesis 30 and Exodus 28

                                          Naphthali: The Diamond Character.

               Diamond represents Naphthali.
                Bilhah, Rachel’s maid gave birth to her second son. Rachel with a vengeful ululation, intoned: With great wrestling have I wrestled with my sister, and I have prevailed: and she called his name Naphthali. In a footnote, the bible puts it this way, With the wrestlings of God have I… Naphthali means wrestling.(Genesis 30: 8).
                 Exodus 28: 18: And the second row shall be an emerald, a sapphire, and diamond
                                            The Wrestlings of God 
            Naphthali as diamond signifies the wrestings of God. God has been fighting to take hold of His beloved possession from the foundation of the world. The greatest love of God is man expressed in the Son of His love or as the KJV puts it, His beloved Son; this honour does not belong to angels or any other creatures. God dots on man, this man created in His own image, for His own glory – this man who later falls and comes short of Divine intention. The cause of this fall is that man gives himself to a false lover who has deceived him into believing that there is a shortcut to attaining Eternal life, God’s glory through the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, without all the needed God-built-in pressure of Divine processing which needs absolute reliance on and surrender to God’s wisdom and guidance.
          In His creation of man, God gives it a unique attention and meticulous planning. He sets up the celestial bodies to help keep the earth in orbit so as to give time, season, night and day. This divine architecture is so perfect that the Sons of God shout for joy. Then, He puts man on earth, the perfect earth, to come to the stature of His Son of love in whom all Divine plans are concluded. This is to the effect that His Son, in all things, may have the preeminence. But man, being deceived,  has another thought as he gives himself to another lover. This ignites the battle of the ages as God steps into the fray for He is a warrior, an invincible one, whose word cannot return to Him empty. He has been involved with the enemy of His plan and thought since the fall of His so-much-loved man. He will not accept defeat and cannot be defeated; He is tied up by His Divine nature, His just judgment and His unwillingness to take advantage of the enemy. Yet, He has beaten the enemy hands down with many wrestlings.

            Naphthali is diamond and means wrestlings of the Lord. I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine…. And the response is, …., and his desire is toward me.(Songs 6:3 and 7: 10).  The Lord’s fighting for His love over the ages is reflected in His relationship with Israel. Now, He would fight for them against their enemies; now He would give them over to the enemies till they learned their lessons and again, He would come to their rescue when they cried to Him. The idea was to process them to His perfect kingly priests; they were kingdom of priests about to be formed. In essence then, diamond indicates the priestly character that has come to a perfect formation, the character into whom the Lord has succeeded in working, even if through great pressure, much of Christ’s character who is the epitome of God’s own perfection; the goal towards which He now labours and judges and wars in righteousness – the goal of His several wrestlings and engagements. This is diamond, the wrestlings of God. 

           We will return to the wrestlings of God as it pertains to diamond-gem character again so soon after we have examined the optical and structural properties of diamond. 

                                                The Optical Nature of Diamond       
            Diamond is Naphthatali. In its reflecting, refracting and dispersing powers, diamond produces - when caught in the paths of lights - a most lovely beauty to the sight of the beholder. Cubical in structure, each facet of diamond has a great measure of perfect reflection; its reflection is without distortion. In its reflecting power, it carries the reflected light with the same intensity as the incident light on it. Even the plain mirror in its perfect reflection still has a degree of distortion but not diamond. This speaks of the character, the kingly priest of God who is now, in his reflecting God, has become the express image of His person, the brightness of His glory; he is full of Christ; great measure of Christ has been worked into him so much so that in deed and character, he reflects the perfect image of the Object, the Christ.

           The refractive index of diamond is very high; it strongly bends light when it passes through it. This is of course the prismatic Christ through which this character is now viewed. You see, in optics, when an object is viewed through thick glass, its image is displaced. The typing God is giving out in this is so clear: the displacement of our natural self and the replacement of the same with the image of His Christ. And that is what we are: the products of the substitutionary work of Christ Jesus.
           The third optical thing about diamond is that it has strong dispersing power. In other words, as light passes through this precious stone, the white lights are dispersed into its seven distinct colours forming an excellent spectrum at the other side. Because of this, the observer tends to see a brilliant burning fire-colour, very deep in its richness and very brilliant in its display of glorious beauty. Seven colours of white light speak of a perfect knowledge of the Lord; this is the perfect light from the Father of lights. We here come across a priest of the Lord who, when he receives light from the Father of lights, has a perfect knowledge of God’s mind. He is easily able to know, through the Holy Spirit, the plans and purposes of God in all situations. He is said to be wise. He can say like Lester Sumrall that in 60-years of walking with God that he has not missed it once. The prismatic diamond that is Christ is the one, in us, with us and has been well worked into us, that is capable of this optical dispersion through which the world is supposed to see God. The world has not begun to see us this way today because the prismatic diamond-Jesus is still far from being formed in us. But when He is, the world cannot but see the glory and Him in us at that day. When is the day? The day is today and this tells us that the pressing into this Divine nature is now.

                      The Metastable Diamond and Its High Melting Point                                                           
               Diamond is Naphthali. The hardest substance known is diamond?  The molecular bonding of diamond is covalent in nature – that is, between one atom and the other is a double bond; it is single in most other substances. Diamond is formed in the core of the earth under unimaginable degrees of pressure. A typical piece of diamond is said to be 16.5 Pa. One Pa(sca) of pressure is equivalent to about pilling 200 bags of cement on one another on an area of a square metre. That is so much pressure. Now, 16.5 Pa(sca) will be equal to 33 million bags of cements piled on one another on a square metre of an area. This substance is therefore said to be metastable; It  can hardly be broken at all. No wonder, in a nuclear blitz, it may hardly be affected as it has a melting point of about 3000 degree Centigrade. In the launching of atomic bomb almost 70-years ago, stones, rocks and iron did not only melt but flowed and ran like rivers. Over a hundred thousand of human beings literaly vapourised. Diamond could hardly ever have this report. The great pressure that goes into the processing of its internal molecular bonding makes it practically impossible to separate them by ordinary forces; it needs extraordinary force to pull the molecules apart.
                Diamond is Naphthali. It is known for many characteristics, but one distinct part of it is that it can take a lot of pressure and not break. This is the quality of the kingly priest. Nothing could break the Lord Jesus though pressure upon pressure mounted on Him; the wholesomeness of His spirit, soul and body held firm. The bible says that in Him all things cohere or hold together and He displayed this quality in the face of temptations, trials, persecutions, dehumanisation and death. In each case the diamond-gem character of the Lord shone most brilliantly.
       The diamond character speaks of the one who shines, who comes on more brilliantly and gloriously as he is subjected to pressure, higher pressure and more pressure of various degrees and quantities. This is one who glows and glories in his infirmities. Infirmities here mean some afflictions -  pressure -  which come from Satan and which we have prayed to God to be removed and it is like God has not done it or is probably not going to do it for us. And he said unto me, my grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly then will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in distresses for Christ’s sake: for when I am weak, then I am strong.2Corinthians 12: 9.  Diamond denotes grace, that enabling power or ability of God that sustains us in sufferings for Jesus’s sake: reproaches, persecutions and distresses. Diamond is grace and means ability not to bulk or misshapen under any pressure. Many saints in all ages have known this quality in abundance. By this quality, the gospel has overtaken the earth and has conquered.

                     The Diamond – wrestlings and hard nature and their effects
           Naphthali is diamond. Naphthali means wrestling. In Rachel’s statement, she said, With God’s wrestlings have I … the word is plural, wrestlings; it was not one time wrestling, but many – and protracted. She added, ‘…and I have prevailed.’ This character is one that prevails in wrestlings. One day,  on the way back from Laban, Jacob was swinging in the valley of the shadow of death. Then he caught himself wrestling with an angel until he prevailed. The angel said unto him, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with man, and hast prevailed. The pressure of wrestlings is endless. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against spiritual wickednesss in high places, against the rulers of darkness of this world.
               Naphthali-diamond character speaks of that hard quality that can affect all others in no little ways. Diamond can be used to mark, to scratch, to cut and punch holes (in) and to etch characters (on) other metals. It speaks of that hardness attained through pressures that can make the person’s testimony of the Lord Jesus have deep effect on others; such can cut and circumcise another by his mere presence; it is called inducting Christ into another. It is not about ministration in word – though that has its place in divine arrangement – or of pastoring or of the operations of the Ascended Gifts of Christ. It is that quality of life ingrained in a person who is living for Christ Jesus. By the life-style of this individual, Christ is revealed and He comes alive in another. If any one comes in contact with this character or this character comes in contact with somebody, an eternal value is deeply etched in the ensuing contact from the diamond-character person to the other one. Even when the diamond-gem character is no more around, the divine influence remains and pervades the recipient. It is diamond when somebody is able to testify of you that he comes to know God in a special way because he has met with you. Diamond leaves marks on other substances; it whets other metals.

                     Some Hard and Wrestling Faith-diamonds: Their Exploits     
             Diamond character! We would not have known God’s hidden plan to save the whole world if there had not been a diamond-gem character like Apostle Paul. In our contemporary world, we would not have had the influences and impacts of the faith movement etched into our beings if there had been no diamond-gem characters like E.W Kenyon, Kenneth Hagin, Copeland and many more. These hard material-men actually turned around and blazed the Faith Economy through persecutions and criticisms. And because they held firm, being the better for it, the Body of Christ gained insight to the dynamics of faith. Diamond-gem is not talking about forceful characters or personalities; it speaks of one who, having had dealings of God in him, has become like Christ and, though he only goes about his normal work, people cannot but turn around and take a look at him again. It is not the external beauty that attracts others to him but the inner beauty of God radiating from within and around him. You cannot come across the diamond character and not take a stand: his presence may give you a lift to life; his presence may cause you to hate him as it is an irritant to your life unto death. Says Apostle Paul, Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place (2 Corinthians 2: 14). Diamond character cuts easily through any life.
         Diamond is Naphthali and is wrestling. He is always wrestling; his food is wrestling. He engages in this with the wrestlings of God. Rachel was keenly aware that it “was this or death.” It is a matter of resurrection. With the wrestlings of God have I wrestled… This character is called the wrestlings of God. It applies to the individuals and the corporate Body of Christ who have taken on the empirical knowledge of the resurrection of the Christ. This will be clear presently. It is a quality of grace given to, for example, Apostle Paul who said, Let no man trouble me; for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus. Of course, in many wrestlings, there will always be wounds and scars and cicatrices to show for these engagements for the King.
          There is a brilliant connection of this diamond quality with resurrection as hinted in the last paragraph. Paul points out that his main strife in life is about the resurrection. If, he writes in 1 Corintians 15, verse 32, after the manner of man I have fought with beasts at Ephesus what advantageth me , if the dead rise not? The man fought with beasts – spirit beasts – by the wrestlings of God or put in another way, he used the wrestlings  of God. We are amazed today how a single man called Paul could take on the whole world and not died. It is by the reason of grace that he was able to bear it all, the pressure; and this is being worked to us too: There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the same temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it (1 Corinthians 10: 13). Here is a glimpse into what the Apostle writes: …in much patience, in afflictions, in necessities, in distresses, in stripes, in imprisonments, in tumults, in labours, in watchings, in fastings… This is diamond.
                Epaphras,” writes the apostle to the Colosians, “who is one of you, a servant of Christ saluteth you… always labouring fervently for you in prayers..” The word fervently is from the Greek word agoniso, the derivative of the English word, agonise. It means to wrestle or to strive. This is diamond; the wrestlings of God.  It is done in the place of prayers. It is contention with some strange forces in the heavenly trying to cheat us out of our born-again birthrights. For that heavenly space has been bought for us by the precious blood of the Lord Jesus and we have been raised together with Him in heavenly places. We have been lifted far above principalities, above powers above dominion, above authority and above every name that is named not only in this age but also in the age to come.
               The kingly priests have been able to look away from earthly values and wrestle with the wrestlings of God for the space Christ has provided for us. These pretenders to the heavenly must be pulled down, their kingdom pillaged. This is diamond. It speaks of people that are conscious that they are occupying for their Lord until he returns. Resurrection raises the issue of wrestlings with the wrestlings of God out of the pedestal engagement to the heavenlies; it is more than asking God to provide for our needs and making us people of substance and fame. It is about being concerned with the heart of the Father; it is about standing for the cause of the Lord.

             Christ dwells in us and in Him we overcome by faith for this is the faith that overcomes the world and all its structures, even our faith.
             Christ is in us and because of this when we have done all of putting on the whole armour of God, we will stand; we stand therefore knowing that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against dominion, against authority and every name that is named now and in the age to come.
            Christ is in us and He is the prismatic diamond through which the world can see Divine character and nature; He is the perfect reflector that suffers no distortion of image and we are the perfect reflection of His glory. 
             Christ is in us is the hope of glory, the hope of the attainment of perfect beauty that is God.      
            Lord, we pray that You will have your way, make us go through such learning experiences that will advance us all the way in the righteousness that we are in Christ unto holiness onto God; bring us into to the perfect measure of Manhood, who is the Lord Jesus Christ. We having the same spirit of faith according as it is written, we believe and therefore speak. We believe and therefore speak that we will attain sonship; we will get to priesthood. It is the Spirit that does this in us and we pray that we will be yielded to Him in all things and in all His dealings with us. Thank you our Lord.