Friday, 27 June 2014

God Is Raising Kingly Priests

                                                                          The Kingly Priests (07)
                                   Job 1:           
            5 And it was so, when the days of their feasting were gone about, that Job sent and sanctified them, and rose up early in the morning and offered burnt offerings according to the number of them all, for Job said, it may be that my sons have cursed  God in their hearts. Thus did Job continually.
                               Revelation 1:
            6 And hath made us kings and priests unto God and His Father…

              In our previous meditations, we have been saying that Job was a priest according to the revelations made to that generation. We also said that his burnt offerings were to become more specialised in the Mosaic offerings which in effect was according to the patterns of heaven to be later unveiled in the second and last Adam, Jesus Christ. This, we found was the hidden mystery elaborated on by Apostle Paul. We continue in this strain for now.
              Job was a priest after an order of the patriarchs; we are priests and the Lord Jesus is a priest for ever called after the order of Melchizedek
                                                  The Wisdom of Man.
               Man’s God-independent and self-generating light has offered a search for what he calls the philosopher-king. This has preoccupied the soul and the intellect of man since the over two millennial Plato made this proposal. The debate still rages, seeking how to produce the entity that can effectively govern mankind. The philosopher-king is the thirst of the vain man in the wilderness, out of the realm of God’s life. God yearns, not for philosopher-kings but priestly kings. He has, for over twenty centuries, been calling, directing, coordinating and raising priests who are kings or if this should be turned about, kings who are priests. It is the same to him: he that is made a priest is also a king; if the Lord makes one king, then is he also a priest. The one is the same and the same is one. No age or generation was without God’s priests and kings. The execution of the wisdom of the redemption of man was carefully put together by heaven and tilted towards the raising and making of priests and kings to God.
               Priesthood is not a sudden event to be pushed to the rapture or heaven or the resurrection; it is a continuing process. It was not an afterthought of God; it was part of the original plan just as redemption. Before the end of all things, the blessed ones will be found to be those that have become kings and priests unto the Lord. This is the real excitement of redemption, not escaping hell, or leading a problems-free life.
           The priests, as shown in the children of Aaron, were not to inherit anything with their brethren. I am, said the Lord, thy part and thine inheritance... The priests posses the Lord and they serve Him; they minister to Him and share with Him. This is redemption. God is the inheritance of the saints, the church, the royal priesthood, built up with lively stones as spiritual house; they are the habitation of God. This quest of the heart was part of the apostolic prayer of Paul: ….that the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints. The Amplified version puts the last phrase in modern English as …his glorious inheritance in the saints. This should be the daily hunger-prayer of all the saints of God. It is not out of place to take thought for personal cares, careers, goals and purposes, but this is the major hunger of our souls. Most of us are yet to know the purpose of His calling beyond being saved from sin, saved from hell and saved to go to heaven or, more, saved to fly out of the planet earth in the rapture so as to escape the horrors that will be unleashed on the earth. Kingly priesthood is it.
          O Father, grant that we will know the purpose of your calling, our eyes of understanding being enlightened. Especially grant that we will be able to know, identify, regard and pay full attention to the value of your glorious inheritance in us. We are God’s inheritance to offer upon my altar, to burn incense, to wear the ephod. That again is priesthood: ordained to reconcile man to God, taken from among men [is] ordained for men in things pertaining to God, that he may offer both gifts and sacrifices for sins. That is why the priests are teachers who show the righteous ways of the Lord through their own lives, displaying Manhood or Son-ship. The first Adam failed to reach Manhood; the second and last Adam did.
           The last Adam is today ministering to the saints, by His Spirit, his life – the qualities of this life of His. God is the inheritance of the saints. He has made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light; we are partakers of God, our inheritance.
          Priests possess God and are possessed of God and sharing in His nature, glory and eternal wisdom and thus are capable judges. This is ruler ship; it is the kingship dimension of the saints. Kings rule; kings judge. These kings’ jurisdiction of judgment extends beyond men to angels. Know ye not that we shall judge the angels. The priests of God are carriers of awesome power. They are capable of evaluating things in the light of God’s truth and mind, matching them with God’s judgments. Judgment means discernment; it means ability to discriminate between or shift through values; it is about holding forth a divine searchlight to examine things. Judgment also means dispensing justice.
       Only in the one in whom the Father lives, His priest that has come to Manhood, who has possessed a level of the Lord can stand for the Father’s mind in all issues of life. Yes, the kingly priests of God are on earth guiding, shaping events, determining directions and giving accurate judgments; they are judges on the throne of their God. Kingly status is not regalia and a seat called throne; it is about the grant of authority; it is about issues responding to divine thoughts in our spoken commands. A king is full of authority in his domain; his wish is the law, the rule by which things exist. This is therefore the kingly priest – they establish and enforce the righteous will and mind of God on earth. Awesome. Priests as kings reigning as kings on behalf of God are capable of bringing judgment and destruction. Those angels dispensing judgments in the book of Revelation look like priestly kings to us.
                                                 Present where the priests were                  
                I found myself, the first day of January, in Ilorin, Nigeria where I was involved in a prayer session. The session was led by Brother Fredrick Adegoke who is a professor in the university. The people raised all sorts of judgments against all manners of men. Then at a point, the brother was declaring judgment on Osama bin Ladden and…., he was trying to remember one other name when another brother helped out and shouted Gaddafi. “Yes,” answered back the brother leading the prayer. “That is him. I was looking for him in the spirit but he was trying to hide, to dodge; he wanted to escape the spirit.” Then he declared judgment.
               At that time, Gaddafi and Osama were secured, especially Gaddafi. There was no remote possibility that anything could happen to him in the beginning of that year. A couple of months more, Libya, Gaddafi’s country erupted in a revolutionary zest and zeal. And soon it was all over; so also was Osama too. Talk of priestly kings. Several years ago, a priestly king who was an Oxford scholar by the name of Derek Prince,  lived as a missionary in Kenya. This was just immediately after the country’s independence from Britain. One day, he and his congregation were praying when there was a vision of a red horse galloping up. The missionary immediately  identified that red horse as communism. The praying people declared that communism would not take over the land and that decree stayed till today.
                The kingly priests are people, who having come to maturity, can raise, pull down and establish as they are led by the spirit - that we may live a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. I am sure that the history of Africa will take a new and complete turn about for the best from the present staring genocide, arranged pogrom and ethnic cleansing as well as economic hardship if the priestly princes of the nations of the continent can stake their stand and act. Presently, where there seems to be a semblance of peace in the continent, there is a huge diversion of these priests to building the kingdom-earth; showing one another how much of God they each have by measuring the blessings of their great achievements of built super-amphitheatres well able to seat hundreds of thousands of gospel-raised millionaires. All motivational stuff! But we know that Jesus did not step into planet earth to raise millionaires but to raise sons, priests unto God, if you like. Distraction is to be so busy for God and be engaged in doing some other things to fail to know the heart of God, the Father and, like Israel, to fail to know the day of our visitation.
                   Most African Christians ape their North America counterparts to a fault; but they fail to imbibe the priestly culture of those they imitate. These are people who, even in their frivolities, have learned not to take lightly the Father’s heart concerning their nations. They are hardly tempted to take their eyes off the issues of the heart of the Father concerning the nations. They could be accused of many faults, but it is evidence that the evil one has not been able to hit them with as much impunity as he has Africa nations and peoples. Let the priests note.
                    Though these three men, promised the Lord, Noah, Daniel and Job, were present in it, they should deliver but their own souls by their righteousness. These were priests of a kind. They could avert calamities as well as establish righteousness. The three of them majorly succeeded in their days: Noah saved eight souls including him and several animals; Daniel stood in intercession for Israel and Job prayed for his friends as ordered by God. But later priests, in the days of Ezekiel, had been occupied with other things other than their priestly functions and righteousness had but disappeared from the land, just as in our own days, hence God’s judgment of dispersal with promise of salvation just for the righteous individuals. For the time is come that  judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God. It is time the Church woke up from slumber and come to her place.
                   Lord, we pray that you will direct our hearts and desires to your heart. Cause us to hear what you are saying at this hour and that we may go in the same direction as you. We pray that we may really wake up to the heartbeat of the Father and quit these present frivolities. Of course, we are hardly able to know how far we have departed from the priestly responsibilities  of  teaching and pursuing righteousness. Return our hearts to you; cause our eyes to see and know and repent. Thank you, Father.      

Number 18: 20
Ephesians 1: 18
1 Samuel 2: 28
Hebrew 8: 3
Colosians 1:12
1 Corithians 6: 3, 4
1 Timothy 2: 2
Ezekiel 14: 14
1 Peter 4: 17

Monday, 16 June 2014

The Raising Of Priestly Kings Of God

                                                   Episode 6

                                                     The Kingly Priests
Reading: Job 1:
5 And it was so, when the days of their feasting were gone about, that Job sent and sanctified them, and rose up early in the morning and offered burnt offerings according to the number of them all, for Job said, it may be that my sons have cursed  God in their hearts. Thus did Job continually.

         “…and  offered burnt offerings…”
          We have been meditating on the point that Job being able to send and “sanctified them and rose up early in the morning and offered burnt offerings…” comes off the fact of the priesthood of the man. This meditation will lead us to considering the priesthood and the kingly priests God is raising today. It will help us to do a little recapitulation before we continue.

              The plan and desire of God is to dwell with man, the true place of His rest and, if you permit it, His heaven.

             God dwells with man where He has the legal ground to do so.

            The great work of redemption is all about realising this desire: make possible a place of habitation for the God of all creation which is the very soul of man.

            The Father’s heart of love sought a hold upon which to fasten itself; He therefore created man as the object to devote and expend this love; the Father has been lavishing this love on man since creation.

          God, by types and figures and parables, has been revealing Himself to man and, in these days, has revealed and been speaking through His Son, Jesus Christ.
          In the Israel of old, He showed Himself in types through the laws, the priests, the feasts and the shrine which, in the beginning was a tent or tabernacle in the wilderness journey of the people of Israel and later became a temple lavishly built with stones, cedar wood, silver and gold and became a monument that attracted many people from afar.

          The tabernacle which later became the temple after the people settled down as well as the priestly oblations ensured God’s rights of righteousness among them on earth.

                                                        The Lord Reigns Through His Christ.
             Just 90 days after leaving Egypt, God commanded the people to “ make” a sanctuary that “I may dwell among them.” The Lord has also secured His right to dwell among men today by the shrine He built, at a great cost to Himself, through His Son Jesus Christ. This shrine is the Church of God. Thus, Jesus, by the perfect redemption through His blood has vociferated and obtained for the Father His right of Lordship over the earth. Now who reigns on the earth; who is the Lord over the earth? It is God through His Son to whom He has committed all judgement. The saviour has regained for the Father the Lordship over the earth. We are to note that God’s enemy did a fast one on the Lord in the wilderness of Sin by being the first to build and bring his own shrine among the people by the introduction of the Aaron-made calf. He is still at it today, but the victory has been won and the Lord has His purpose foe allowing Him to do what he is presently doing on the earth.

                                                  The making of the priestly kings
             The Lord has been raising priests and He is continuing today. And from Jesus Christ who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood. And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father, to him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Now whoever is made a priest and king unto the Father must have passed through similar experiences as the one who did the investiture; he must have been found a faithful witness.

         “…who is the faithful witness…” He bears witness to the truth that God is the Lord of the earth and that He has the right to dwell in, with and among His people; and that this is appropriate and in line with the nature of His justice and character; His judgement is just. Why call him the faithful witness? The word faithful has the definite article, the. That means many had bore witness to that truth, but He is the one, the true, faithful witness. How long, asked Elijah, halt you between two opinions? If the Lord be God, follow him: but if Baal, then follow him… But Christ put his life on the line and gave it all to bear witness. It requires one who is faith-full not only to be submissive as the Lamb that take away the sin of the whole world but was also the victim and the sacrifice of  the burnt offering, the sin offering, the peace offering, the meal offering and the drink offering – Christ gave it all. Herein is the love of the Father revealed; this is perfect obedience to the Father. It takes one that is faith-full to stick to divine arrangement and not deviate to do the witnessing in the way that may be appropriate to one’s mind, though not only accurate but could be acceptable with God; it takes faith-full to defer to the Father in all things. It is the full faith of the Son of God to offer self as absolute loyalty to the Father; it is faith-full to the cause of the Father to obtain for Him His full rights as the Lord sovereign of the earth. Only the faith that is full on the side of the Son that can say, Lo, I come (in the volume of the book it is written of me,) to do thy will, O God. It takes the faith that is full to become the azazel, the sin-bearer and the curse, to go to the region of death and not be a goner but became the first begotten from the dead. His is an absolute trust born out of faith to be in form of God and thought it not robbery to be equal with God. But made himself of no reputation, and was made in the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.

                                                  The Priest must come to approval

       The priesthood of the Lord as in the Old Testament required training, instructions and teachings and careful grooming until such is qualified having been tested, tried and proved. And Christ - who himself came to approval by the testimony of God’s voice of This is my beloved Son -  has been in the business of raising his kings and priests over the last two millennial by the Holy Spirit’s teaching, instructing, and proving so that he might be the first among many brethren.  At another place and time, the Father said, This is my beloved son, hear ye him. This is priesthood; this is the kingly priest of God on earth.

                                                 The priest as a Prince
              Priest is princely, a first or chief among many; prince is a son with special designations. Israel was a prince of and with God. For as a prince hast thou power with God and man and hast prevailed. That is the kingly priest – power with God and with man, indicating that he had authority to minister before God on behalf of man as well as having the power to judge and rule among men. Christ too today ministers before his Father and also reigns in the midst of his enemies until all his enemies are made his footstool. This is the reason for the raising of the kingly priests – to reign with him, even now. And those with him are called, chosen and faithful. Priesthood is not a title; it is a call to responsibilities; it is a call to warfare.

         The church, over the years, has forgotten her unique calling to the priesthood. She is presently entrenched and enmeshed in building the kingdoms of this world. She has redefined the purpose of the priest and the prince of God. We chafe, whine, grumble and panic each time we encounter divine opposition to our desires, our goals and pursuits and dreams. Yet, our forerunner who has gone beyond the veil learned obedience by those things he suffered. He lost his own will in the will of the Father. That is priesthood; that is how to attain kingship.

            Priesthood constitutes a species of mankind with special ability to take the hand of man and put it in the hand of God. This is the priestly dimension of them. They offer up spiritual sacrifices. Ye also, as lively stones are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood to offer spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. The priesthood of God through Jesus is a holy house and nothing less. Built with lively stones – the saints of God – it is the dwelling of God that He purchased with His blood. And no sacrifice is acceptable of God outside of the Church of Christ.

                                                   The priesthood is built with lively stone

               Lively stones. This house, this temple, this royal priesthood is built with lively stones, readymade stones. And the house when it was in building, was build of stone made ready before it was brought thither: so that there was neither hammer nor axe nor any tool of iron heard in the house while it was in building. Stones are used in this building not the quickly available and easily made bricks and mortar. Stones are eternal and are precious. Stones are hewn, beaten, hammered, chiselled and carved in the quarry. In the building of the temple, no sound of hammering must be heard. The building stones come to the sight ready and completed – made in the quarry of the trying of faith. All operations must be done in the quarry to make each stone that would occupy its own space. So was Jesus Christ mauled, pulverised, hammered, measured, smoothen in the quarry of life. Then he became the head of the cornerstone. So shall we also be prepared in the quarry by the dealings of the Cross of Christ

        The priests offer spiritual sacrifices of living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto God… your reasonable service. This may involve loss, denials and death to certain things; the loss of which causes us to make God our only pursuit and raison d’ĂȘtre. And l count all things but loss for the for the excellency of the knowledge Christ Jesus my Lord for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung that I may win Christ… that I may know him and the power of his resurrection, the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable to his death. The Priesthood is intimately intertwined with resurrection. Priests have passed from death to life and the second death has no power over them. The priest now lives to serve God; that is his vocation, his breath and life. That I might attain to the resurrection of the dead. There is a way we die, resurrect, live and die again and repeat the process, dying each day to sin and resurrecting to newness of life in Christ Jesus and our approval unto priestly kings continues to gain ascendancy.

               Lord, we pray for the Holy-Spirit-inspired pursuit of the heart of Paul, the apostle that we may receive grace to count all things but dung for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ, that we may gain Christ. We received grace to be called, chosen and found faithful. We pray that we will know you more, the power of your resurrection, the fellowship of your sufferings; we pray that we may be made conformable unto the death of the Lord Jesus Christ. And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father.  Thanks you, Lord for making us your priests for by you we shall not fail. The grace of God shall not be in vain on us.

                                   Exodus 25: 8
                                  John 5: 22
                                 Exodus 32: 1 – 8
                                 Revelation 1: 5 – 6
                                1 Kings 18: 21
                                Hebrew 10: 7
                              Phillipians 2: 6
                              Hebrew 10: 13
                              Revelation 17: 14
                             Romans 12: 1
                             1 Kings 6: 7
                             Phillipians 3: 8, 11