Wednesday, 27 May 2015

The Life History of the Priest of God

    Life History of The Priest Of God (04)

             Job 1:5 sets us considering the priestly life. 

                                          Priesthood is Sonship
Leveticus 8:
                  22: He then presented the other ram, the ram of ordination…
                 23: Moses slaughtered the ram and took some of the blood and put on the lobe of
                      Aaron’s right ear, on the thumb of his right hand and on the big toe of the right foot.
            The blood-of-Christ regenerated-soul is consecrated or chosen or ordained or called or “vocationed” or foreknown of God…to be conformed to the image of his Son of God (Romans8:29), the Lord Jesus Christ. This requires the engaging of all that the man is. He is a new man; he is re-oriented, and able to see the expected path and direction. Christ is our vocation, our heavenly calling and He is the star lode by which we have to set and readjust our compass of life.
           The blood of the offering of ordination is put on the lobe of the right ear. It means the priest will have to be able to hear right and, that, with dawning insight and understanding. The people of Israel heard the prophets, yet they were just hearing sound with no meaning just like a child will hear speech but will never hold any meaning to it. A child learns over the years to distinguish, to judge, to assess and evaluate what each note of sound represents and means. Of man’s invented language is mathematics which has a precision that can only have an engaging meaning and truth to only the initiates of that discipline. For what one mathematician says is what the others say on the same matter. This is the path of the the life of the ordained of God. They hear God with the utmost accuracy like their forebear who has gone ahead of them. It is rightly pointed out that of all men God ever dealt with in biblical history, only the Lord Jesus got it all right. He did not for once miss a single note of the sound of His Father’s voice and heart beat in all of His life journey. Yet, this is the life expected of the priest of God. That blood which is Christ’s blood represented applied to the lobe of the right ear means to hear as accurately as the Lord. We will not hear words and the leading of the Spirit as meaningless sounds.
            Oh Lord that this blood-on-the-right-lobe-of-the-ear will be so activated that we know or hear no other word other than the Lord’s.  This  goes beyond knowing the right thing with respect to choice of career, who to marry and where to live. It means being Christ-centric. Our will is lost n His will. In this path, we come to a place we loose the ability to be “decisive” and do things for ourselves. Sometimes, in this mode of life, we will look as certain fools to others; and sometimes, not the least, to ourselves. We are not trying to push away the virtue of a sound mind that easily takes decisions, but this may have to be put aside sometimes in order “to hear aright.”
          Jesus said, My sheep heareth my voice (John 10: 27). It means that there may be many voices all over the earth and the Church, but the sheep of the Lord recognises the distinct notes of His lips; and, continues the Lord, I know them, and they follow me. 
                                           The Thumb of the Right Hand.

             The thumb of the hand is strategically placed among the four fingers. It faces all the others. It depicts creative intelligence. Imagine that there is no thumb. We will not be able to pick or use tools as we do today; try to hold something with the fingers without the thumb and see the soreness of it all. Definitely, all creativity would be impossible, even man’s scientific and technological breakthroughs would be virtually impossible. A man holds, handles and picks things, uses tools…because of the all pervading presence of his thumb among the fingers. What we do is what we handle. Paul says, We handle not the work of God deceitfully, meaning the word of God can be creatively handled, and deceitfully too. Whatever we handle has, first of all, been processed in our hearts. The right hand therefore speaks of handling things aright, coming from the right heart, from the right motive, from the Spirit. It tells also about things we must not try to handle. In other words, apart from handling the right things and handling things aright, there are also things we should not even bother to handle. There are secular works we cannot engage in; there are relationships we cannot be found involved in, no matter how beneficial; there are businesses we cannot go into; there are associations we cannot be part of. There are things we can be involved in but must be “handled the right way”; the imprimatur of the Lord must be on it. Revelation 9: 20 comments on the rest of the men not killed of these plagues yet repenteth not of the works of their hands…,

                                                              The Right Big Toe

This signifies our walk with the Lord – how straight and how crooked. Is our walk God-seeking or ambition-oriented? Where do our feet carry us to? Walk before me, said the Lord to Abraham, and be thou perfect. The right big toe stained with the blood of dedication speaks of perfect walk with God. This priest cannot walk away from the things of God; he finds it impossible to discountenance the things of God. Lord, who shall abide in thy tabernacle? Who shall dwell in thy holy hill? He that walketh uprightly, and worketh righteousness, and speaketh the truth in his heart (Psalm15: 1- 2). our walk, therefore, spells righteousness.
                                                                 Making of Sons.

The son is one in whom the spirit of the Lord has gained ascendancy and mastery (Austin T. Spark). The son is he that grows to Christ in all things. He has dissolved in the clear solution that is called Christ. He has lost his self identity and has clearly merged into another; he is another being, a spirit being. He hears what the Spirit says to the Church, handles not the word of God deceitfully but sincerely and walks in the Spirit and therefore fulfills not the work of the flesh. The blood on the lobe of the right ear, on the right thumb of the hand and on the right big toe of the foot sums up the tools for Sonship, for pleasing God. It is the life history of the priest of God.

      Lord, we appreciate the blood that was shed from the foundation of the world that creates for us the path of the life of sons. We thank You for the blood, as it were, on the right lobe of the ear, the right thumb of the hand and the right big toe of the foot. We stand on the ground of this Truth who is the Lord Jesus; we stand on the ground of the Cross of Christ and declare that we run the Divine intentions to sonship to hear aright, handle aright and walk aright. Thank you our Lord.                             

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